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Church Song Sheets

Music Ministry

The main goal of the music ministers is to enhance the worship with the congregation. Here at Saint Mary’s, we currently have a choir that sings for the 10:30 Sunday Mass weekly. We welcome new members to join the choir. Rehearsals are Tuesdays from 7-9 pm from September through June. If you would like to join the choir for Sunday Mass or just for the holidays (Christmas and Easter) please contact the Music Director, Anna McReynolds, at 508-285-4462. Instrumentalists are also welcome to join.

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Saint Mary's Catholic Church

One Power Street

Norton, Massachusetts 02766

(508) 285-4462

Gathering around the table of the Eucharist, our Saint Mary's family is committed to building on our deep roots of faith and the teachings of Jesus.  Our community embraces a future where all are welcome and encouraged to discover and share their gifts, grow their faith and serve all God's people.

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